The CCISM Exam
The Exam
Standardization of training is one step in the maturation of a growing field. Training has been provided in CISM, and numerous derivations, by various organizations throughout the world.
Another step toward the maturation of a growing field is the development of some form of verification of relevant knowledge acquisition. The term “certification” refers to the confirmation and attestation of certain characteristics, attributes, or knowledge possessed by an individual based upon some form of external review or analysis. The Certification in CISM represents an external review of knowledge in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). It is fitting that such certification arises from the very institution that in part gave rise to the CISM formulation.
The Certification in CISM is more than confirmation of mere attendance at a training class. The Certification in CISM is a confirmation that an individual has demonstrated a basic understanding of the nature and principles of CISM, as defined herein. The certification is a confirmation of knowledge, not practical nor applied ability. It is not a certification of clinical or applied competency.
The Certification in CISM as defined herein is not only a recognition of current knowledge, but is an effort to promote an industry standard through the retrieval, acquisition, and proliferation of a fundamental corpus of knowledge pertaining to CISM.
The CCISM Examination consists of 150 true –false and multiple choice questions randomly selected for each individual administration from a large test item pool. The Examination utilizes an “open book” format modeled in various degrees after online examinations offered by the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Given that a secondary goal of the certification process is the retrieval, acquisition, and transposition of relevant knowledge, as opposed to memorization, the “open book” format is deemed acceptable.
The CCISM Certification of Knowledge is valid for 5 years from the date of successfully passing the CCISM Examination.
CCISM Exam Fee
This includes the initial test fee as well as two additional retakes. Upon registration, you will be prompted to pay with a credit card. If you are registering 10 or more individuals for the exam and would like to pay by check, please Contact Us about using a Purchase Order.
Exam Prerequisites
Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention
This 3-day course combines ALL of the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses.
Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid”. Designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum, this course will prepare participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services for both the individual and for groups. Fundamentals of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) will be outlined and participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to provide several group crisis interventions, specifically demobilizations, defusings and the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). The need for appropriate follow-up services and referrals when necessary will also be discussed.
This course is designed for anyone in the fields of Business & Industry Crisis Intervention, Disaster Response, Education, Emergency Services, Employee Assistance, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Mental Health, Military, Spiritual Care, and Traumatic Stress.